Tuesday, June 29, 2010

K... So I know I haven't exactly been consistent with my posting, but there's more comming... I promise.  I just haven't taken pic's yet of some of the stuff I've been working on.  And, some of the stuff I've been working on is too much 'in the works' to post.  However, in my honest effort to focus more on my art, I will start posting on a regular basis.  I am determined not to become complacent.  This blog is titled 'Art Is My Life' for a reason.  So more to come soon....

That being said, until I get some more pic's up, I'll update you on what I've been working on...  A friend of mine has asked me to colaborate with her on two stories/graphic novels she's creating.  And as she is a very talented artist/writer herself, I couldn't say no (though I never really can to art =) ).... At any rate, without giving too much away, the one we're focused on right now is going to be an adult oriented fantasy with fairies.  Thats right, fairies..... We're working on character design and development right now.  I'll post some of what we've come up with soon!

I've also developed an interest in mermaids of late... As guardians of our oceans perhaps?  I'll have some of those up for you soon too. One peice is already in the works.  Almost done actually (yay!)... The other will be a more definate commentary than the first, but it's still at the kicking around my head stage.  At any rate, less talk more art...  Gonna go work on some now ;)