Sunday, March 13, 2011

Self Portraits

Alright.  So I'm not a huge fan of making a subject of myself...  However, for whatever reason, self portraits are part of the artistic process.  As such, here are a few I've had to do over the years... 

I did this one in grade 11 art (2003)...  I wasn't completely comfortable
with shading at the time, so I could have done much better on my face...
But you get the idea.  This piece is the basics: pencil on watercolour paper.

This one is a little more recent. I got new charcoals and felt
compelled to experiment.  I think it's from December of 2006.

Although this one isn't a portrait of me, per say, it is my name.
So I say it counts! ;)  This is the inside cover for one of my
sketchbooks.  Pencil crayons, Ink, and metallic marker
on paper.

You'll recognize this one from the title, but I figured it
deserved an explanation.  I did this one for Grade 9
art (2001).  It's a 'distortion' self portrait piece. 
Acrylic paint on watercolour paper.

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