Wednesday, December 28, 2011

'Jim Jarmusch'

Acrylic/mixed media on Canvas
December 16, 2011


I painted this for my boyfriend, as a Christmas gift. It's a portrait of his favourite director, Jim Jarmusch. The background is torn squares of movie listings, intended to look checkered, as a nod to the apparent visual theme of his movie 'Coffee and Cigarettes'.  Also, because use of shades, and colour, are used so specifically by Jim for mood in his movies;  I tried to mirror that in how I represented him in this painting.

He is one of the most interesting portraits I've done, to date, as he is quite the interesting character.  The more time I spent researching, and working on this painting, the more I understood why my boyfriend favoured him so much.  His movies are fantastic, there's no doubt about that. But his personality! Even in photographs it was ever-present.  I will likely revisit him as a subject, just to see if I can truly capture it. Very enticing...

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  1. This is really interesting to me. It makes me curious - are the movie listings real, can you read the words when you look up close, also what did your b/f say?? Also wondering if you are going to send a link to Jarmusch. I think you should. If I was that person, I'd be quite honored. Just curious.

  2. Thank you! The movie listings are indeed real. Fun fact: I tried my best to exclude listings like "Jack and Jill", as I wanted mostly good movies to be listed :P... My b/f was very happy with it, thankfully. I never considered sending a link to Jim... I'd be very nervous about him seeing my painting, actually.
