Saturday, October 20, 2012

Some disappointing news, and lots of awesome news...

For starters, let me apologize for being MIA for the past little while.
I have been cAh-razy busy.  In but a moment, you'll know why... 

So, I'm gonna put really bold headings on my various updates.  
That way, you can decide if you want the disappointing news
first, or the awesome news first... Or maybe you'll want awesome
news, then disappointing news, THEN awesome news again.  
The point is, YOU decide. Why?  Because I care.  That's why.


So remember how I was supposed to be vending at Dia
De Los Muertos - Festival of The Arts...? Tomorrow?
Well, they cancelled the event.  :(  It is no longer on. And
I'm saddened by this news. Not only because I was going
to be vending at it, but also because it was promising to be 
a truly awesome affair.

I'm sorry about the late notice.  To be honest, it's
partly because I've been busy, and partly because I 
had the somewhat silly hope that they would change
their minds...  But alas, there will be no event.  And so,
you'll have to read on to find out where to find me next...


Since the Fan Expo, I've been hustling to see if I can
get a space in The Arts Market, on Queen Street East.
It's a year round market, where artists can independently
sell their work. And it's awesome.  Like, so ridiculously
fantastic that you should definitely go shopping there.  Daily.
And, you should absolutely make sure to check out my 
space, whilst shopping. >.<  Yeah, that's right.  You can 
now purchase my art in a store downtown, Toronto!  

For details on The Market, click here: 

I'm working uber hard to make my space completely
fantastic,  that I might properly welcome you wonderful 
people, who choose to visit.  It's proving to be a LOT of work
(which is part of why I've been MIA).  However, if it turns 
out exactly how I envision it, it's gonna be supremely awesome.  
Don't worry.  I'll post pics soon >.O


So, remember my Game Of Thrones Piece?  Well, it 
garnered some attention, when it was posted on the 
official Game Of Thrones Tumblr.  As a result, I wound up
being invited by a curator to participate in an amazing art 
show, being put on in Canberra, Australia.  

I am SO excited about this.  For one thing, the opportunity, in 
and of itself, is phenomenal.  For another, it is such a cool
idea.  If you happen to reside in Australia, you most definitely 
need to attend this show.  If, like me, you don't...  Fear not. There 
will be a graphic novel based on the show, available for purchase.
Details to come on that.  

However,  to give you an explanation as to what this show is about, 
and there-by an understanding of the true extent of it's awesomeness, 
click here:  Liedkijn Exhibition

And now you're caught up on my life.  So, am I forgiven for
falling off the face of the earth?  :]  Good.  Hopefully you'll 
forgive me for jumping off the edge, again...  As I'm sure you now
understand, I have A LOT of work ahead of me.  None-the-less, 
I will try to check in with updates as often as possible.  Stay tuned!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

My Latest Commission...

Spidey Tee!

Silk Screen Paint, hand painted 
on a Cotton T-Shirt

This is the front of the t-shirt.  I am a HUGE Spider-Man
fan, so I was only too happy to oblige when asked to create
this tee for a fellow fan.  The design, above, is a reproduction
based on a Romita Sr. cover from 1974.

This is the back of the tee.  Spidey hangs about half-way
down the middle of the back, and is a wee bit larger than
he is on the front.

For a hand painted ORIGINAL tee, of whatever your heart desires,
I charge $40 + S&H.  To purchase one of my regular t-shirt designs,
it'll run ya $25 + S&H.