Thursday, January 31, 2013

A La Breakfast at Tiffany's...

Acrylic on Canvas - 3'x4'  


For this piece, I was asked simply for a large, uplifting
painting.  The rest was left to me.  It was commissioned 
as a Christmas gift, and I happen to be friends with the 
person it was gifted to.  So, to say the least, it was a lot 
of fun having free rein on what the subject would be.   
Originally, I had wanted to do a colourful 50s Pin-Up 
style painting.  However, the more I researched for the 
piece, the less inspired I felt about it.  Not in general, as I 
still want to do said painting. However,  for this particular
friend, I decided I wanted something classy.  And you don't 
get classier than Audrey Hepburn.  It also helps that she's a 
fan.  >.0  Thus, the above painting was born...  My take 
on a classic:


More T-shirt Commissions!

I was commissioned to create a pair of tee's (a His and 
Her set) that featured my client's husband as Superman.  
Easily my most interesting request, to date.  

This was another His and Her set I was commissioned for.
My client's boyfriend is a huge Blue Jays fan.  For his
birthday she had purchased season tickets for him, and had
me create these t-shirts for them to wear to the games.  A
charming gift idea, if I do say so, myself.