Thursday, January 31, 2013

A La Breakfast at Tiffany's...

Acrylic on Canvas - 3'x4'  


For this piece, I was asked simply for a large, uplifting
painting.  The rest was left to me.  It was commissioned 
as a Christmas gift, and I happen to be friends with the 
person it was gifted to.  So, to say the least, it was a lot 
of fun having free rein on what the subject would be.   
Originally, I had wanted to do a colourful 50s Pin-Up 
style painting.  However, the more I researched for the 
piece, the less inspired I felt about it.  Not in general, as I 
still want to do said painting. However,  for this particular
friend, I decided I wanted something classy.  And you don't 
get classier than Audrey Hepburn.  It also helps that she's a 
fan.  >.0  Thus, the above painting was born...  My take 
on a classic:



  1. Elves may be timid, but hobbits are shire.

  2. Don't give up on your dreams.

  3. Don't make nothing of yourself. Find meaning and purpose in your own life, not some random guy or corporations. You have a talent and something to say, so say it as loud as humanly possible.
