Thursday, July 1, 2010

Creatures.... 'In The Works'

The Panther, herself, is actually done...  I just need to finish the background. 
She took me far too many hours to count, but she was so georgeous
I had to capture her.  This is good ol' pencil crayon on paper.

K.  So if you have never seen Blue Planet, check it out!!!!  That's where I found
out about these amazing creatures.  There're called Leafy Water Dragons, and
are freakin cool.  They basically float around the coral reefs off the coast of
New Zealand.  I was compelled to capture an image of one of these babies.
So here it is...  This is done with pencil crayon, oil pastel, and ink on paper.
Again, background not done, but you get the idea.

If you're noticing a trend with my 'In The Works' stuff, I promise, I do complete
my pieces.  I just have to walk away from a piece sometimes, until I can work
up the nerve to complete it.  It's my equivalent to writers block.  I hit a point
where I become petrified of destroying the work I've already done. 
But I always get back to it, eventually.  I'm also pretty sure I'm not the only artist
who suffers from this, lol.  I don't think any artist ever feels
that a piece is exactly what they had in mind, even when 'complete'.

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