Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Character Development Process

These are two of the fairies for the graphic novel I'm working on with my friend. 
Bear in mind they are very much in the developmental phase, but this is the look I'm playing with...

Her hands messed up, but aside from that I'm pretty happy with her.  She's supposed to be quite young though, essentially a new fairie, so I think I may need to work on that a bit...?
Art markers on paper for both.

This guy's my warrior fairie.  His hat's an acorn topper,
and spear head is a rose thorn. 
He's also Canadian, eh!  

Based on our outline thus far, we have different fairies/deities that
represent different phases in life and time of year.... 
i.e. Winter would be the final years of ones life.  He'll be Autumn. 

I still feel like there's more work to come on him though, 
but he's getting there.  He may look quite different by the time I'm done. 

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