Wednesday, October 19, 2011

'Forget Me Not'

 October 9, 2011 - Acrylic on Canvas

Alright, so I'm completely fired, so far as posting of the completed
'Catching Energy' is concerned.  I will have those pic's up ASAP,
I swear.  I'm just waiting on pics of my collaborators canvas. 

In the meantime, above is another 'new' painting that's mostly
complete... Upon discussion with a few of my muses, I intend to make
a few changes to the details.  I'm posting her now, however, because
the message, and general feel of the painting, will remain the same. 
I promise to post pic's of the polished version, too, once complete :)...

She has been in my head, literally, for years... I think, maybe 10?  I 
actually had a different version of her, on this canvas, from a few years
ago. However, when she first came to me, I wasn't yet skilled enough to
do her justice.  So, I had only gotten so far before I felt I had to stop.
When I revisited her, now feeling ready to finish what I had started, I
picked up the same canvas, intending only to add to, and complete,
what I had already done. In the end, I think I painted everything over,
leaving only the general composition in place.  It's interesting to me to see
how much my style has changed over the years.  This version of her is
considerably different, stylistically, from what I initially had. The message,
however, although expanded upon, remains the same as when she was
first conceived of. 

The story she tells is of Mother Nature weeping for her planet,
and all the destruction wrought by humanity.  I've been told
 that she could represent all women, as well... Although she is
Mother Nature to me, I do like the idea that she could represent all
women. Almost as if she were ambassador of all mothers, making her the
true embodiment of Earth Mother.  The concept also makes me feel like
the intended message becomes more accessible.  Picture a mother 
weeping for their child, who has taken the wrong path in life, and the
mother cannot fix it, no matter how she tries.  Now make that mother
Gaia, and that child humanity... 
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