Wednesday, July 25, 2012

100% made-with-TLC Tee's

So, I said I've been designing/creating t-shirts for the 
Toronto Fan Expo.  Did I lie? Never!  Bear in 
mind, these are all tester tee's, so I was working
out the kinks when I made them.  However, although these 
are but the tip of the iceberg, they should give you a 
sense of what to expect...  I designed them all by 
me-self, too!  >.<

These are made with silk screen paint applied by 
a stamp I hand carved. I then go in and add or 
enhance details by hand, adding more colour as I go. 
The result is just what the title says; tee's made 
with love! And each as unique as the person 
who wears it.

 Yeah ya do! Doesn't everyone...!?
This was my first tester tee, and I have not yet 
acquired metallic paint.  So, as awesome as it is,
it can only get better.  >.<


So, do you *brain* zombies? Or zombie *brains*?  
For me, it depends on the day, and the person...

Now, a few things to note on this one. First
off, because my tester tee is ribbed, I lost a
TON of the detail. So as pretty as it is, it's
even prettier applied to the right surface.  Secondly,
although this stake-through-anatomical-heart
will be a stand alone design (note the placement
on the tee  >.< ), it is actually part of another
design, as well...  The other stamps for which have
been carved, I simply have not yet made a test
tee for it. Patience. I promise I'll share soon.  However,
first person to guess correctly in the comments will
get a free tee of their choice! 

Aaaaand, I also have a Steam Punk design all trussed
up, and ready to go.  I just need to get better pic's. 
So, guess what I'm gonna say next? LOL... Yup:
Stay tuned  ;P

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Found in the Archives

I was going through some of my old work, and came across a few 
pieces I'd forgotten I'd even drawn.  And these are old, too... The nudes 
are from 2004, and the drapery pieces are from 2003, I think? The fact 
that life experience can so drastically effect the overall effect of an 
art piece,will never cease to amaze me... Not only in the sense that as an 
artist who's gained new skills, I can readily perceive how I could've  
better executed a project; but also because the meaning and symbolism is 
ever changing.  For this reason, I get a kick out of going through old work
every once in a while.  I even have an old sketch book kicking around
 from when I was five or six?  I'll post some pic's of that at some point, too. 
At any rate,hope you enjoy!

The nudes are two minute sketches of a live model. 
 All are: Charcoal & Conte on paper

Drapery Still Life's

Pastel on Construction Paper

Pencil on Paper