Wednesday, July 25, 2012

100% made-with-TLC Tee's

So, I said I've been designing/creating t-shirts for the 
Toronto Fan Expo.  Did I lie? Never!  Bear in 
mind, these are all tester tee's, so I was working
out the kinks when I made them.  However, although these 
are but the tip of the iceberg, they should give you a 
sense of what to expect...  I designed them all by 
me-self, too!  >.<

These are made with silk screen paint applied by 
a stamp I hand carved. I then go in and add or 
enhance details by hand, adding more colour as I go. 
The result is just what the title says; tee's made 
with love! And each as unique as the person 
who wears it.

 Yeah ya do! Doesn't everyone...!?
This was my first tester tee, and I have not yet 
acquired metallic paint.  So, as awesome as it is,
it can only get better.  >.<


So, do you *brain* zombies? Or zombie *brains*?  
For me, it depends on the day, and the person...

Now, a few things to note on this one. First
off, because my tester tee is ribbed, I lost a
TON of the detail. So as pretty as it is, it's
even prettier applied to the right surface.  Secondly,
although this stake-through-anatomical-heart
will be a stand alone design (note the placement
on the tee  >.< ), it is actually part of another
design, as well...  The other stamps for which have
been carved, I simply have not yet made a test
tee for it. Patience. I promise I'll share soon.  However,
first person to guess correctly in the comments will
get a free tee of their choice! 

Aaaaand, I also have a Steam Punk design all trussed
up, and ready to go.  I just need to get better pic's. 
So, guess what I'm gonna say next? LOL... Yup:
Stay tuned  ;P

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