Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Book Covers! And Guess What?

...Yup.  They're made with lurve! 

Contrary to popular belief, feeding your brain does 
not make you more desirable to zombies.  Read safely
my friends, and in style! 
All my book covers are available in the same prints 
as my t-shirts.  They are printed/painted on raw
canvas, and heat set, just like my tee's.  Therefore,
you may spill your coffee freely!   >.o

P.S... Doesn't the Nosferatu on the book cover
above look like Sean Penn?  Seriously...? LOL

Aaaaand, they also come in awesome Binder/Text Book
covers.  For now, that's all she wrote.  However, all
designs will soon be available as canvas place mats, and
coasters.  So, stay tuned, kids   >.o   and I'll try to keep 'er

Tee's Made With Love: The Finished Product >.o

Braaaaiiiiinnnns!  So, as you can see, my zombie tee's come
in colour on a black or white t-shirt, or black on white t-shirt. 
All colour choices come in both 'I *brain* zombie' or 
'I *zombie* brains' Is it odd that I found some of my 
zombies cute?  

For the Steampunk inclined, I have I *heart* octopus
or just a silver octopus on black.

I believe that vampire's should be staked 
through the heart, and not sparkly... Just sayin'.

And lastly, my robots. :) They look SO much better 
with the silver paint, non?  I love it when I'm able to 
successfully translate my head space to something real.
This was also a surprising big seller with the guys at the 
Fan Expo.  I figured gals would love him 'cause he's 
cute.  I didn't expect so many guys to fall for him.  But,
to be fair, who doesn't think robots are awesome? 
Honestly...  =P  

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I survived my first Fan Expo!!! o.O

So, the Toronto Fan Expo has come to a close, and 
I am feeling so grateful to have had the opportunity 
to participate.  Being my first time on the other side 
of the table, I can say I learned a lot, and had an
absolute blast.  There were so many awesome people
in attendance this year, and it was such a pleasure 
chatting with all of them.  

I was especially taken by how appreciative people were
 of my art.  I don't mean that they simply liked it, but that 
they actually thanked me for doing it!  It blew me away!
Honestly, this is what I do to keep sane, but the enthusiasm
for my work was quite stunning.  And I am so appreciative 
of all the support and kind words shared by complete 
strangers.  It has definitely increased my drive to create.  
If for nothing else, than to not let anyone down!

Now that the show's over, I have a TON of work ahead
of me.  I've been invited to vend at a handful of other 
events.  So I'll a be looking into the viability of participating
in those.  I'll keep you posted as to where you can find me 
again. >.o  I'm also looking at selling my stuff through a 
couple of stores in my neighborhood.  Again, you'll know as I
 know.  Lastly, I did a lot of networking at the show.  So,
I'll be following up on those fronts to see what can come 
of it.  

Overall, I'd say the show was a resounding success.  So 
THANK YOU to everyone who helped make it so.  Whether 
you were among those I coerced into working insane hours with 
me to help with preparations, or you were my awesome neighbors 
at the show who made for excellent company, or YOU, the fan, 
who is the whole reason the Fan EXPO is worth coming to 
in the first place. Whoever you are, THANK YOU for your 
support.  I promise, I'll keep it coming.