Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tee's Made With Love: The Finished Product >.o

Braaaaiiiiinnnns!  So, as you can see, my zombie tee's come
in colour on a black or white t-shirt, or black on white t-shirt. 
All colour choices come in both 'I *brain* zombie' or 
'I *zombie* brains' Is it odd that I found some of my 
zombies cute?  

For the Steampunk inclined, I have I *heart* octopus
or just a silver octopus on black.

I believe that vampire's should be staked 
through the heart, and not sparkly... Just sayin'.

And lastly, my robots. :) They look SO much better 
with the silver paint, non?  I love it when I'm able to 
successfully translate my head space to something real.
This was also a surprising big seller with the guys at the 
Fan Expo.  I figured gals would love him 'cause he's 
cute.  I didn't expect so many guys to fall for him.  But,
to be fair, who doesn't think robots are awesome? 
Honestly...  =P  

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