Thursday, September 29, 2011

'Catching Energy' - A Nuit Blanche Art Project

Another Nuit Blanche is upon us, and while I have to admit I'm not a huge fan of all the light installations (just my opinion), there is something about this night that draws me in every time. It's the energy. I LOVE all the spontaneous art that takes place, and how open everyone is to art, as a result. In my mind, it's akin to priming an audience before a comedian comes on stage. A good MC will get the audience so well prepared that the comedian doesn't have to over work to get their laughs; the audience is ready, and willing, to enjoy the show. Because of the natural priming that occurs on this night of nights, it's not uncommon to hear Nuit Blanche revellers, during the wee hours of the morning, asking themselves, and each other, "Is that art?" of what they would otherwise consider mundane, and overlook on the day-to-day. It's apparent, by the middle of the night, that everyone is in undeniable 'stop and smell the roses' mode.

So, this year, as opposed to being a mere attendee, I intend to capture the very essence of this creative energy. I will be wandering around (taking in the art), but also with a HUGE canvas, and paints in tow. Throughout the night, at random, I will open up the canvas, and invite my fellow revellers to harness some of that energy, in creative fashion, using my canvas and paints. I'm hoping that many of those who partake are those who do not typically create, as I also want to capture the idea that art is about passion, not ability. Considering the name of my blog, I cannot wait to see what pure, unadulterated 'ArtistcNRG' looks like on a canvas, and to experience the free flow of this energy while I create with strangers. What could be better?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Update - The Pocket Sketch Book Project

I hadn't gone into much detail on this project in the first post it was mentioned.  So, I feel I owe a bit of an explanation.  I'd essentially fallen into an artistic funk, the past couple of months, where I was feeling less than inspired, artistically, and couldn't seem to get out of it.  I found that I was talking myself out of drawing, every time I sat down to do so, on the basis that whatever was inspiring me wasn't going to be an important enough piece.  Or, I wouldn't start drawing, because I'd decided two hours just wasn't enough time for me to get any thing done.  I realized that this was just my own fear holding me back, but I still hadn't determined how to overcome it...  Then, while riding the subway to work, I found myself desperately wanting to capture some of the interesting characters I'd see, but wholly unprepared to do so.  I eventually figured out that I needed to allow myself to create, whenever I was struck by the urge, effectively removing all the preamble that was holding me back. Hence, my Pocket Sketchbook.  The reason I've called it 'The Pocket Sketchbook Project' is that I've discovered carrying a sketchbook around challenges me to fill it.  It feels kind-of silly to carry around a sketchbook if I'm not using it!  So, I decided to face that challenge head on, and get creating.

Well, it's working. :)  I managed to complete two paintings this weekend, with no signs of stopping.  The two paintings (one of which I consider to be an important piece... to me at least :] ), have generated enough interest that I have new commissions.  I also plan to submit one of them to my favourite magazine...  To say the least, I'm feeling inspired, and I'm prepared to move forward with my work.  We'll see what the next couple of months bring, but I'm definitely feelin' good about it!

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Commissioned Piece - 'Orange Koi' **SOLD**

Sept 25, 2011 - Acrylic on canvas.

As indicated in the title, this piece was a commissioned work, and 
I really enjoyed working on this one. When it was initially requested, my
client didn't have any specifications aside from wanting an orange koi to
be the subject. This left me open to artistic interpretation, which couldn't
make me happier. The result of my freedom of expression? See above ;)
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Saturday, September 24, 2011

'Care Yet?/Closer to Home'

Sept 23, 2011 - Acrylic on Canvas

This image has been kicking around my head for the past few weeks,
and I finally got to put her down on Canvas, last night. I'm not sure if my
intended message comes across, but she is supposed to make you
uncomfortable. She's definitely supposed to evoke sadness.
However, so long as she makes you think, I've succeeded. For me,
she represents how easily we are able to dismiss the atrocities found in our
world, when they occur across an ocean. The question she is meant to ask you is;
Do you care now that it's one of your own affected? So, do you?
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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

It's a start.... The Pocket Sketchbook Project

I acquired a miniature sketchbook recently, and have started carrying it around
with me. The reason being is that I'd realized I'm not helping myself grow as an
artist if I'm not prepared to draw whenever/wherever the mood strikes.
The sketch, above, was not planned, and started as nothing more than me
passing time at work. Now, I can reproduce this on a larger scale, polish it,
and create a full sized art piece. I think my plan's working... :)
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Just a quick sketck

On a whim, my friend and I went to Montreal for the Tam Tam's in
Mont-Royal Parc. It's a drum circle that gathers every Sunday,
throughout the Summer, and has done so for the past 10 years,
give or take. This quick sketch is of one of the drummers.
He seemed, to me, to be quite the character.
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