Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Update - The Pocket Sketch Book Project

I hadn't gone into much detail on this project in the first post it was mentioned.  So, I feel I owe a bit of an explanation.  I'd essentially fallen into an artistic funk, the past couple of months, where I was feeling less than inspired, artistically, and couldn't seem to get out of it.  I found that I was talking myself out of drawing, every time I sat down to do so, on the basis that whatever was inspiring me wasn't going to be an important enough piece.  Or, I wouldn't start drawing, because I'd decided two hours just wasn't enough time for me to get any thing done.  I realized that this was just my own fear holding me back, but I still hadn't determined how to overcome it...  Then, while riding the subway to work, I found myself desperately wanting to capture some of the interesting characters I'd see, but wholly unprepared to do so.  I eventually figured out that I needed to allow myself to create, whenever I was struck by the urge, effectively removing all the preamble that was holding me back. Hence, my Pocket Sketchbook.  The reason I've called it 'The Pocket Sketchbook Project' is that I've discovered carrying a sketchbook around challenges me to fill it.  It feels kind-of silly to carry around a sketchbook if I'm not using it!  So, I decided to face that challenge head on, and get creating.

Well, it's working. :)  I managed to complete two paintings this weekend, with no signs of stopping.  The two paintings (one of which I consider to be an important piece... to me at least :] ), have generated enough interest that I have new commissions.  I also plan to submit one of them to my favourite magazine...  To say the least, I'm feeling inspired, and I'm prepared to move forward with my work.  We'll see what the next couple of months bring, but I'm definitely feelin' good about it!

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