Tuesday, September 13, 2011

It's a start.... The Pocket Sketchbook Project

I acquired a miniature sketchbook recently, and have started carrying it around
with me. The reason being is that I'd realized I'm not helping myself grow as an
artist if I'm not prepared to draw whenever/wherever the mood strikes.
The sketch, above, was not planned, and started as nothing more than me
passing time at work. Now, I can reproduce this on a larger scale, polish it,
and create a full sized art piece. I think my plan's working... :)
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  1. Your minds eye is a truly beautiful thing...I can't wait to see the finished full size version. I am trying to figure out if these are Baby Dragons or just small dragons ; )

  2. Thank you! They're small dragons, but they have a mischievous, and playful streak that is most definately child-like.
