Friday, June 22, 2012

A Game Of Thrones

"Hello My Name Is..." 
India Ink & Art Markers on Poster Board
11" x 16"

As a Canadian, every time someone said "Winter is coming"
on the show, I thought "you're point?"  But when this guy 
showed up, I got it.  And then I thought, how funny would it be 
if his name was Winter?  Thus, this image was born.  This is another 
piece I will be selling prints of at the Toronto Fan Expo, this year.  
And still, more to come! ;)

A Taste of the Jewelery I'll have at the Fan Expo...

This is a hand sculpted Octopus ring, for those who are Steam
inclined, made entirely of copper wire. I'll be making several more of
this particular design, as well as a few others, for sale at the Toronto
Fan Expo. However, the majority of the jewelery that will be available at
our booth will be made by my partner, Jinxx.  I'll post some pics
of her stuff shortly... ;)

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Few of the prints I'll be offering at the 2012 Toronto Fan Expo...

 'Dryad' - Ink & Art Markers on Paper, 11" x 14"

Close up of the Dryad, herself.

Because of the grain of the paper she didn't photograph too well, 
but you get the idea.  This piece is one of a few fantasy prints I'll be offering.

 'So Long, Farewell/SteamGirl' - Pencil on Paper, 11" x 14"

 Close up

To be honest, I haven't decided yet if she's done, but I'll post 
pics if I make changes.  For now, she can give you an idea
of what my Steampunk series will be like.  I'll be creating
several Steam themed pieces for the Fan Expo, this year.
It's a genre I've fallen head over heels for. Oh the possibilities!

 'Beating a Dead Tauntaun' - Ink & Art Markers on Paper, 11" x 14"

Okay, so my sense of humour's twisted...  But you laughed,
which means yours is too!  I know George Lucas finally 
'stepped down', but I don't know how long that will last.
The fact remains that no one can beat a dead horse like Lucas.
So there you are, and I have several more twistedly funny 
pop culture pieces in the works.   

Aside from these pieces, I've also created and carved my 
t-shirt/book cover designs.  However, as I have not yet 
printed them onto T's, you'll have to be patient.
No worries, when I do, you'll be the first to know!
So, stay tuned! ;)

Hugo Boss Mural

 Located at 333 Adelaide Street, Toronto CA
May 2012

Very Pop Art looking at this early stage.
He actually reminds me of Drew Carey here.

'Tis me! Working with a spray gun, the daddy 
of all airbrushes.  This is a new tool for me, 
so it's been amazing having the opportunity 
to learn from artists who have been painting 
murals with spray guns for close to 30 years.

The completed mural, with a sense of scale.

Art Makes Me Fall Off The Face Of The Earth. Sometimes...

Okay, so it's been a little while since I last posted.  My apologies!
I've been a busy girl.  For starters, I was working on a new mural 
with Willam Lazos.  This time, a large Hugo Boss ad located at 
333 Adelaide, Toronto CA.  I will post photo's momentarily.  

I've also been working on some of the art pieces I'll be selling
at the Toronto Fan Expo, at the end of August.  I have my work 
cut out for me!  I've decided I will be selling hand painted t-shirts,
several art prints, hand painted/hand made book covers, jewelery, 
buttons, and other awesome misc. items.  I'm ridiculously excited!
Pic's of items completed, thus far, to follow. :)

If you are unable to attend the Toronto Fan Expo, but would like 
a print or t-shirt, please feel free to shoot me an e-mail at Cost for each is $20 + S&H.