Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Few of the prints I'll be offering at the 2012 Toronto Fan Expo...

 'Dryad' - Ink & Art Markers on Paper, 11" x 14"

Close up of the Dryad, herself.

Because of the grain of the paper she didn't photograph too well, 
but you get the idea.  This piece is one of a few fantasy prints I'll be offering.

 'So Long, Farewell/SteamGirl' - Pencil on Paper, 11" x 14"

 Close up

To be honest, I haven't decided yet if she's done, but I'll post 
pics if I make changes.  For now, she can give you an idea
of what my Steampunk series will be like.  I'll be creating
several Steam themed pieces for the Fan Expo, this year.
It's a genre I've fallen head over heels for. Oh the possibilities!

 'Beating a Dead Tauntaun' - Ink & Art Markers on Paper, 11" x 14"

Okay, so my sense of humour's twisted...  But you laughed,
which means yours is too!  I know George Lucas finally 
'stepped down', but I don't know how long that will last.
The fact remains that no one can beat a dead horse like Lucas.
So there you are, and I have several more twistedly funny 
pop culture pieces in the works.   

Aside from these pieces, I've also created and carved my 
t-shirt/book cover designs.  However, as I have not yet 
printed them onto T's, you'll have to be patient.
No worries, when I do, you'll be the first to know!
So, stay tuned! ;)

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