Monday, September 17, 2012

Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are!...

...And visit me at the 'Dia De Los Muertos Festival of the Arts'!
(I know... I'm such a nerd, LOL)

At any rate, the event is being held at 'The Great Hall' on 
October 21st. It's an art show from 12pm - 6pm 
(where you'll find me >.o) and a Cabaret/Burlesque 
show after 8pm.  Plus there will be workshops! 
Not sure what in, yet, but workshops none-the-less. 
>.<   All in all, I think this event will be a blast!
I'll be selling my hand-painted tee's, book-covers, 
binder covers and tote bags, like at the Fan Expo. 
I'll also be adding hand-painted place mats, and 
coasters to the mix. :) Plus, of course, my prints. 
Aaaand, I have a brand new design! I just need 
to carve it. So, hopefully I'll get it finished in time 
to, at least, use on new book-covers, if not tees.

Lastly, if you will be attending, and would like to 
commission me for anything, feel free to shoot me
an e-mail at
With enough time, I can have it ready to be 
picked up at the show! 

Well, I'm excited! >.<  How 'bout you?

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