Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sometimes I Just Art For Me...

So, I'm working on a few different commissions
at the moment, but I'm not ready to share
any of them yet.  So, for now, I'll tide you over
with this piece...

Art Markers and Ink on Paper
July 29, 2012

Don't ask me what it means, because I 
could only guess...  Just before I got 
my official approval on a booth for the 
Fan Expo, I felt the urge to draw.  Just draw,
no purpose, or ulterior motive.  Simply to let
my artistic energy flow.  This was the result.
Let's just say I had an attack of surrealism.
Any other explanation concerns me, o.O ...


  1. It makes me think of the movie the Ring, more specifically, the second one.

    Take care.

  2. I can see how you would say that... It certainly does have an ominous feel to it.

  3. Either way, it's a cool pic.
