Saturday, October 20, 2012

Some disappointing news, and lots of awesome news...

For starters, let me apologize for being MIA for the past little while.
I have been cAh-razy busy.  In but a moment, you'll know why... 

So, I'm gonna put really bold headings on my various updates.  
That way, you can decide if you want the disappointing news
first, or the awesome news first... Or maybe you'll want awesome
news, then disappointing news, THEN awesome news again.  
The point is, YOU decide. Why?  Because I care.  That's why.


So remember how I was supposed to be vending at Dia
De Los Muertos - Festival of The Arts...? Tomorrow?
Well, they cancelled the event.  :(  It is no longer on. And
I'm saddened by this news. Not only because I was going
to be vending at it, but also because it was promising to be 
a truly awesome affair.

I'm sorry about the late notice.  To be honest, it's
partly because I've been busy, and partly because I 
had the somewhat silly hope that they would change
their minds...  But alas, there will be no event.  And so,
you'll have to read on to find out where to find me next...


Since the Fan Expo, I've been hustling to see if I can
get a space in The Arts Market, on Queen Street East.
It's a year round market, where artists can independently
sell their work. And it's awesome.  Like, so ridiculously
fantastic that you should definitely go shopping there.  Daily.
And, you should absolutely make sure to check out my 
space, whilst shopping. >.<  Yeah, that's right.  You can 
now purchase my art in a store downtown, Toronto!  

For details on The Market, click here: 

I'm working uber hard to make my space completely
fantastic,  that I might properly welcome you wonderful 
people, who choose to visit.  It's proving to be a LOT of work
(which is part of why I've been MIA).  However, if it turns 
out exactly how I envision it, it's gonna be supremely awesome.  
Don't worry.  I'll post pics soon >.O


So, remember my Game Of Thrones Piece?  Well, it 
garnered some attention, when it was posted on the 
official Game Of Thrones Tumblr.  As a result, I wound up
being invited by a curator to participate in an amazing art 
show, being put on in Canberra, Australia.  

I am SO excited about this.  For one thing, the opportunity, in 
and of itself, is phenomenal.  For another, it is such a cool
idea.  If you happen to reside in Australia, you most definitely 
need to attend this show.  If, like me, you don't...  Fear not. There 
will be a graphic novel based on the show, available for purchase.
Details to come on that.  

However,  to give you an explanation as to what this show is about, 
and there-by an understanding of the true extent of it's awesomeness, 
click here:  Liedkijn Exhibition

And now you're caught up on my life.  So, am I forgiven for
falling off the face of the earth?  :]  Good.  Hopefully you'll 
forgive me for jumping off the edge, again...  As I'm sure you now
understand, I have A LOT of work ahead of me.  None-the-less, 
I will try to check in with updates as often as possible.  Stay tuned!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

My Latest Commission...

Spidey Tee!

Silk Screen Paint, hand painted 
on a Cotton T-Shirt

This is the front of the t-shirt.  I am a HUGE Spider-Man
fan, so I was only too happy to oblige when asked to create
this tee for a fellow fan.  The design, above, is a reproduction
based on a Romita Sr. cover from 1974.

This is the back of the tee.  Spidey hangs about half-way
down the middle of the back, and is a wee bit larger than
he is on the front.

For a hand painted ORIGINAL tee, of whatever your heart desires,
I charge $40 + S&H.  To purchase one of my regular t-shirt designs,
it'll run ya $25 + S&H.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are!...

...And visit me at the 'Dia De Los Muertos Festival of the Arts'!
(I know... I'm such a nerd, LOL)

At any rate, the event is being held at 'The Great Hall' on 
October 21st. It's an art show from 12pm - 6pm 
(where you'll find me >.o) and a Cabaret/Burlesque 
show after 8pm.  Plus there will be workshops! 
Not sure what in, yet, but workshops none-the-less. 
>.<   All in all, I think this event will be a blast!
I'll be selling my hand-painted tee's, book-covers, 
binder covers and tote bags, like at the Fan Expo. 
I'll also be adding hand-painted place mats, and 
coasters to the mix. :) Plus, of course, my prints. 
Aaaand, I have a brand new design! I just need 
to carve it. So, hopefully I'll get it finished in time 
to, at least, use on new book-covers, if not tees.

Lastly, if you will be attending, and would like to 
commission me for anything, feel free to shoot me
an e-mail at
With enough time, I can have it ready to be 
picked up at the show! 

Well, I'm excited! >.<  How 'bout you?

Just For Me...

Art Markers & Ink on Poster-board
11" X 17"
Sept 12, 2012

I had some time on my hands, while I waited on some 
info regarding some commissions I'm working on.  So,
I did a piece just for the fun of it.  Besides, I've been 
wanting to capture this image for a while now.  
Enjoy!  >.o

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sometimes I Just Art For Me...

So, I'm working on a few different commissions
at the moment, but I'm not ready to share
any of them yet.  So, for now, I'll tide you over
with this piece...

Art Markers and Ink on Paper
July 29, 2012

Don't ask me what it means, because I 
could only guess...  Just before I got 
my official approval on a booth for the 
Fan Expo, I felt the urge to draw.  Just draw,
no purpose, or ulterior motive.  Simply to let
my artistic energy flow.  This was the result.
Let's just say I had an attack of surrealism.
Any other explanation concerns me, o.O ...

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Book Covers! And Guess What?

...Yup.  They're made with lurve! 

Contrary to popular belief, feeding your brain does 
not make you more desirable to zombies.  Read safely
my friends, and in style! 
All my book covers are available in the same prints 
as my t-shirts.  They are printed/painted on raw
canvas, and heat set, just like my tee's.  Therefore,
you may spill your coffee freely!   >.o

P.S... Doesn't the Nosferatu on the book cover
above look like Sean Penn?  Seriously...? LOL

Aaaaand, they also come in awesome Binder/Text Book
covers.  For now, that's all she wrote.  However, all
designs will soon be available as canvas place mats, and
coasters.  So, stay tuned, kids   >.o   and I'll try to keep 'er

Tee's Made With Love: The Finished Product >.o

Braaaaiiiiinnnns!  So, as you can see, my zombie tee's come
in colour on a black or white t-shirt, or black on white t-shirt. 
All colour choices come in both 'I *brain* zombie' or 
'I *zombie* brains' Is it odd that I found some of my 
zombies cute?  

For the Steampunk inclined, I have I *heart* octopus
or just a silver octopus on black.

I believe that vampire's should be staked 
through the heart, and not sparkly... Just sayin'.

And lastly, my robots. :) They look SO much better 
with the silver paint, non?  I love it when I'm able to 
successfully translate my head space to something real.
This was also a surprising big seller with the guys at the 
Fan Expo.  I figured gals would love him 'cause he's 
cute.  I didn't expect so many guys to fall for him.  But,
to be fair, who doesn't think robots are awesome? 
Honestly...  =P  

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I survived my first Fan Expo!!! o.O

So, the Toronto Fan Expo has come to a close, and 
I am feeling so grateful to have had the opportunity 
to participate.  Being my first time on the other side 
of the table, I can say I learned a lot, and had an
absolute blast.  There were so many awesome people
in attendance this year, and it was such a pleasure 
chatting with all of them.  

I was especially taken by how appreciative people were
 of my art.  I don't mean that they simply liked it, but that 
they actually thanked me for doing it!  It blew me away!
Honestly, this is what I do to keep sane, but the enthusiasm
for my work was quite stunning.  And I am so appreciative 
of all the support and kind words shared by complete 
strangers.  It has definitely increased my drive to create.  
If for nothing else, than to not let anyone down!

Now that the show's over, I have a TON of work ahead
of me.  I've been invited to vend at a handful of other 
events.  So I'll a be looking into the viability of participating
in those.  I'll keep you posted as to where you can find me 
again. >.o  I'm also looking at selling my stuff through a 
couple of stores in my neighborhood.  Again, you'll know as I
 know.  Lastly, I did a lot of networking at the show.  So,
I'll be following up on those fronts to see what can come 
of it.  

Overall, I'd say the show was a resounding success.  So 
THANK YOU to everyone who helped make it so.  Whether 
you were among those I coerced into working insane hours with 
me to help with preparations, or you were my awesome neighbors 
at the show who made for excellent company, or YOU, the fan, 
who is the whole reason the Fan EXPO is worth coming to 
in the first place. Whoever you are, THANK YOU for your 
support.  I promise, I'll keep it coming.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

100% made-with-TLC Tee's

So, I said I've been designing/creating t-shirts for the 
Toronto Fan Expo.  Did I lie? Never!  Bear in 
mind, these are all tester tee's, so I was working
out the kinks when I made them.  However, although these 
are but the tip of the iceberg, they should give you a 
sense of what to expect...  I designed them all by 
me-self, too!  >.<

These are made with silk screen paint applied by 
a stamp I hand carved. I then go in and add or 
enhance details by hand, adding more colour as I go. 
The result is just what the title says; tee's made 
with love! And each as unique as the person 
who wears it.

 Yeah ya do! Doesn't everyone...!?
This was my first tester tee, and I have not yet 
acquired metallic paint.  So, as awesome as it is,
it can only get better.  >.<


So, do you *brain* zombies? Or zombie *brains*?  
For me, it depends on the day, and the person...

Now, a few things to note on this one. First
off, because my tester tee is ribbed, I lost a
TON of the detail. So as pretty as it is, it's
even prettier applied to the right surface.  Secondly,
although this stake-through-anatomical-heart
will be a stand alone design (note the placement
on the tee  >.< ), it is actually part of another
design, as well...  The other stamps for which have
been carved, I simply have not yet made a test
tee for it. Patience. I promise I'll share soon.  However,
first person to guess correctly in the comments will
get a free tee of their choice! 

Aaaaand, I also have a Steam Punk design all trussed
up, and ready to go.  I just need to get better pic's. 
So, guess what I'm gonna say next? LOL... Yup:
Stay tuned  ;P

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Found in the Archives

I was going through some of my old work, and came across a few 
pieces I'd forgotten I'd even drawn.  And these are old, too... The nudes 
are from 2004, and the drapery pieces are from 2003, I think? The fact 
that life experience can so drastically effect the overall effect of an 
art piece,will never cease to amaze me... Not only in the sense that as an 
artist who's gained new skills, I can readily perceive how I could've  
better executed a project; but also because the meaning and symbolism is 
ever changing.  For this reason, I get a kick out of going through old work
every once in a while.  I even have an old sketch book kicking around
 from when I was five or six?  I'll post some pic's of that at some point, too. 
At any rate,hope you enjoy!

The nudes are two minute sketches of a live model. 
 All are: Charcoal & Conte on paper

Drapery Still Life's

Pastel on Construction Paper

Pencil on Paper

Friday, June 22, 2012

A Game Of Thrones

"Hello My Name Is..." 
India Ink & Art Markers on Poster Board
11" x 16"

As a Canadian, every time someone said "Winter is coming"
on the show, I thought "you're point?"  But when this guy 
showed up, I got it.  And then I thought, how funny would it be 
if his name was Winter?  Thus, this image was born.  This is another 
piece I will be selling prints of at the Toronto Fan Expo, this year.  
And still, more to come! ;)

A Taste of the Jewelery I'll have at the Fan Expo...

This is a hand sculpted Octopus ring, for those who are Steam
inclined, made entirely of copper wire. I'll be making several more of
this particular design, as well as a few others, for sale at the Toronto
Fan Expo. However, the majority of the jewelery that will be available at
our booth will be made by my partner, Jinxx.  I'll post some pics
of her stuff shortly... ;)

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Few of the prints I'll be offering at the 2012 Toronto Fan Expo...

 'Dryad' - Ink & Art Markers on Paper, 11" x 14"

Close up of the Dryad, herself.

Because of the grain of the paper she didn't photograph too well, 
but you get the idea.  This piece is one of a few fantasy prints I'll be offering.

 'So Long, Farewell/SteamGirl' - Pencil on Paper, 11" x 14"

 Close up

To be honest, I haven't decided yet if she's done, but I'll post 
pics if I make changes.  For now, she can give you an idea
of what my Steampunk series will be like.  I'll be creating
several Steam themed pieces for the Fan Expo, this year.
It's a genre I've fallen head over heels for. Oh the possibilities!

 'Beating a Dead Tauntaun' - Ink & Art Markers on Paper, 11" x 14"

Okay, so my sense of humour's twisted...  But you laughed,
which means yours is too!  I know George Lucas finally 
'stepped down', but I don't know how long that will last.
The fact remains that no one can beat a dead horse like Lucas.
So there you are, and I have several more twistedly funny 
pop culture pieces in the works.   

Aside from these pieces, I've also created and carved my 
t-shirt/book cover designs.  However, as I have not yet 
printed them onto T's, you'll have to be patient.
No worries, when I do, you'll be the first to know!
So, stay tuned! ;)

Hugo Boss Mural

 Located at 333 Adelaide Street, Toronto CA
May 2012

Very Pop Art looking at this early stage.
He actually reminds me of Drew Carey here.

'Tis me! Working with a spray gun, the daddy 
of all airbrushes.  This is a new tool for me, 
so it's been amazing having the opportunity 
to learn from artists who have been painting 
murals with spray guns for close to 30 years.

The completed mural, with a sense of scale.

Art Makes Me Fall Off The Face Of The Earth. Sometimes...

Okay, so it's been a little while since I last posted.  My apologies!
I've been a busy girl.  For starters, I was working on a new mural 
with Willam Lazos.  This time, a large Hugo Boss ad located at 
333 Adelaide, Toronto CA.  I will post photo's momentarily.  

I've also been working on some of the art pieces I'll be selling
at the Toronto Fan Expo, at the end of August.  I have my work 
cut out for me!  I've decided I will be selling hand painted t-shirts,
several art prints, hand painted/hand made book covers, jewelery, 
buttons, and other awesome misc. items.  I'm ridiculously excited!
Pic's of items completed, thus far, to follow. :)

If you are unable to attend the Toronto Fan Expo, but would like 
a print or t-shirt, please feel free to shoot me an e-mail at Cost for each is $20 + S&H.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

"I Painted That Black Dot" - My first large scale, outdoor mural

109 Ossington Ave
Toronto, Canada

So I've entered the world of mural painting.  It's always been a dream of mine; 
to paint a mural, Downtown Toronto.  This is the first large scale, outdoor mural
I had the honour to have a hand in painting.  I was part of a crew assisting a
very talented artist, William Lazos.  See his work at:

To say the least, it was quite the experience.  On the first day, I was asked to help
build the 30 foot scaffolding I'd be using to work on the mural.  I was petrified, and
my mantra became "For the love of art, for the love of art, for the love of art..."
However, by day two, my inner monkey was channeled, and I was loving every
minute of it.  Now that this mural is complete I'm lucky enough to be starting a new
one, with William, next week.  Eventually, I hope to design and execute my own
mural.Until then, I'm more than happy to assist other artists, while working in
good company, and doing what I love most.  Absolutely no complaints.    

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Strawberry Poison Arrow Frog

 Art Markers and Pen on Paper
Jan 17, 2012

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